Combain AI Indoor

Creating indoor positioning in every building in the world

Global Indoor Positioning System

186 613 buildings

currently available

Explore free indoor positioning

The Service

We have created GIPS based on our indoor research and now decided to offer the service for free for app developers.

Using Combain Indoor SDK in an app gives an accurate location in 3D. The SDK also contributes traces of location data indoors that is used for improving the service. The more it is used, the better service!

The benefits

Free global indoor 3D positioning the complements GPS in mobiles!

Use it for showing correct location on correct floor, indoor navigation, personnel safety, …

The solution

Use Combain’s Indoor SDK to enable Global Indoor Positioning in your devices. The indoor SDK is available open source and as part of the Combain Indoor Suite tools.

Some of the buildings with indoor positioning available in Location API

Featured buildings

Want to know how we can help you?

The Solutions

Combain Location API  

Combain Location API helps you locate wireless connected devices. By submitting the radio signals in the proximity of a device to this API, it will respond with the most likely geographical coordinates for that device.
Combain Location API = GPS but with lower cost, lower power, and also works indoor! Ideal for connected IoT and M2M devices

Indoor Positioning Services

Fast and easy to deploy since it uses existing WiFi and Bluetooth devices and algorithms to detect changes in the facility. After a building survey and modeling with Combain Indoor 3D tools, Traxmate provides floor level and room-level accuracy.

Combain On-Prem Location Server 

Combain On-Prem Location Server is server software you install in your own premises. The software will expose an API that will help you to locate wireless connected devices. By submitting cell-ids or Wi-Fi MAC addresses in the proximity of a device to this API, it will respond with the geographical coordinates for that device.